Rituals to balance the solar plexus chakra (manipura)
Chakras Alison Potts Chakras Alison Potts

Rituals to balance the solar plexus chakra (manipura)

How will I know if my solar plexus chakra is out of balance?

When in balance we feel like we have unlimited energy available to us, we are engaged in life, we are enthusiastic about learning new things and have pride in our knowledge and intellect. We’re movin’ & shakin’, we’re motivated to take on new challenges but we have the intellectual wisdom to balance this with rest.

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Rituals to balance the heart chakra (anahata)
Chakras Alison Potts Chakras Alison Potts

Rituals to balance the heart chakra (anahata)

How will I know if my heart chakra is out of balance?

When in balance, we feel just that, an incredibly deep sense of balance in our lives. Our heart fills with unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness for one & all. We have no trouble seeing the good in everyone. We prioritise nourishing self care rituals and accept all aspects of ourselves with love and compassion. Setting boundaries comes with ease.

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Rituals to balance the throat chakra (vishuddha)
Chakras Alison Potts Chakras Alison Potts

Rituals to balance the throat chakra (vishuddha)

When in balance, we feel like our words align with our being, our soul, our true calling. We also feel in balance with the Universe. It feels easy and energising to express ourselves and when we can communicate in this way we’re able to help raise the vibrations of others. We speak truthfully and honestly and express disagreements with love. We also, identify creative ways embrace alignment of our beliefs across all areas of our life.

So, tell me, tell me, tell me all the rituals to find this balance!

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Rituals to balance the crown chakra (sahasrara)
Chakras Alison Potts Chakras Alison Potts

Rituals to balance the crown chakra (sahasrara)

An open and balanced crown chakra is seriously ‘wow!’. It’s a big deal and it requires dedicated energetic work and maintenance. A balanced crown chakra allows us to observe our ego, we can witness our thoughts through a lens of Universal light and love, with the realisation we’re cosmically connected to all things. By embracing meditation we connect with higher states of consciousness.

Sheeesh, that sounds pretty damn awesome. Keep reading for tips & tricks to nourish the crown crown chakra…

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Rituals to balance the third eye chakra (ajna)
Chakras Alison Potts Chakras Alison Potts

Rituals to balance the third eye chakra (ajna)

When our third eye chakra is in balance, we have a beautiful sense of being guided throughout each day. Our perception of the world around us is clear and honest, we’re plugged in (hard!) to our intuition and we trust our abilities and our path in life.

Balancing our third eye chakra opens realms of clarity, inner wisdom and intuition, it allows us to find new ways of ‘seeing’. New frequencies are available to us, whatever that may mean for us and our natural abilities. This might be the ability to perceive subtle dimensions and energy or an insight or connection to more mystical states.

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