Rituals to balance the third eye chakra (ajna)

Third Eye Chakra

It’s time to meet your third eye chakra…

The third eye chakra is also known as ajna, meaning ‘to perceive’. It’s positioned in the centre of your brow bone and is related to psychic ability and intuition. The third eye chakra also helps us to understand the world around us, without the need to always wonder or question. When this chakra is balanced you might feel as if ideas or information simply manifest themselves in your mind’s eye! Now that’s flow!

The third eye chakra has a really unique relationship with the pineal gland, a gland tucked deep inside our brain which is in charge of regulating our sleep and wake cycle. The pineal gland is linked to the third eye chakra because of its relationship with the perception and effect of light and altered or “mystical” states of consciousness.

What’s it’s purpose?

When in balance we refer to the third eye chakra as being ‘open’, open to an enhanced understanding of both our physical and inner worlds. Our ability to focus in all areas of our life will be strengthened. With an expansion of understanding and increased clarity of mind you might also experience dreams more vividly or regularly.

Balancing our third eye chakra opens realms of clarity, inner wisdom and intuition, it allows us to find new ways of ‘seeing’. New frequencies are available to us, we’re invited to access the psychic realm, whatever that may mean for us and our natural abilities. This might be the ability to perceive subtle dimensions and energy or an insight or connection to more mystical states.

How will I know if my third eye chakra is out of balance?

When in balance, we have a beautiful sense of being guided throughout each day, what a gift! Yes, please!! Our perception of the world around us is clear and honest, we’re plugged in (hard!) to our intuition and we trust our abilities and our path in life.

Over activity in this chakra is usually experienced by those with natural psychic gifts, empaths or highly sensitive people. If this is you, you may relate to feeling:

  • A constant, unrelenting flow of information through your mind

  • Overstimulated & highly sensitive

  • Headaches, potentially leading to hallucinations

  • Like our fantasies may be more real that our actual reality

If our third eye chakra is under active, we might feel:

  • Confused or indecisive a lot of the time.

  • Like we’re stuck and consumed by the daily grind, struggling to see the bigger picture or tap into guiding visions for ourselves

  • A rejection or denial of spirituality

  • Like we don’t trust ourselves, our intuition

  • Like we have a poor memory

  • Like we lack imagination and creative thoughts

  • We will also likely experience difficulty sleeping or insomnia

Hurry up & get to the good stuff! What can I do to balance my third eye chakra?

The answer: So many wonderful rituals will open and access the clarity and psychic frequencies of the third eye chakra!

  • Try our Feel & Flow Flower Elixir Soul Seeker. This fusion of flower essences & reiki has been created to balance third eye chakra energy. You may even consider the Chakra Balance Elixir Ritual as a way to work with all your lower and upper chakras. Balancing the lower chakras plays a huge part in encouraging an open third eye chakra.

  • Meditation is number one on the menu to access and balance the third eye chakra. If you’re a regular meditator you’ll know what I mean! Through regular meditation I’ve felt glimpses of what an open third eye chakra may offer - intuitive, imaginative thoughts zapping my mind seemingly out of nowhere, new and exciting ideas that also have an incredible sense of familiarity. Words can’t explain but it’s been enough to keep my daily meditation practice ticking along, that’s for sure!

    • If you’re new to meditation, baby steps, baby steps…just start with one or two minutes a day and build from there. Know that thoughts will always be present during meditation - you’re not doing it ‘wrong’! And some meditation sessions just feel tough, a cacophony of unwanted thoughts! Unfortunately, they’re not all calming, grounding and gratifying! BUT regardless, each meditation session (even the most uncomfortable ones!) will strengthen areas of your brain responsible for memory, learning, and self-awareness, help reduce emotional reactivity and anxiety - as well as help balance the third eye chakra.

    • Check out an app, I learnt to meditate with Jonni Pollard and his 1 Giant Mind app is a favourite for many. Calm or Insight Timer offer many, many guided meditations too.

  • Grounding. Grounding work benefits the upper chakras, including the third eye chakra. Check out this Feel & Flow blog post on rituals to balance the root chakra and ground.

  • Look after your pineal gland. As mentioned above, the pineal gland has a unique connection with the third eye chakra. The pineal gland controls melatonin (the sleep inducing hormone) and the body’s circadian rhythm. Ways to nourish it include:

    • Seek total darkness. Make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible for sleep and (I know you’ve heard it before!) reduce your screen time before bed.

    • Enjoy as much natural light each day as possible, especially in the morning soon after waking.

  • Reiki is in my top two for balancing the chakras. (You guessed it, flower essences is the other!). Feel & Flow Flower Elixirs are infused with reiki, however, a reiki treatment (either in person or distance) can bring incredible feelings of openness and energetic vibration and flow to the third eye chakra.

  • Work with crystals. Wear them, carry them, meditate with them. Basically make friends with crystals! Your best mates for wisdom, intuition and opening (while protecting) your third eye energy include:

    • Amethyst for peace and sleep

    • Laboradite for intuition and protection

    • Fluorite for clarity

    • Snowflake Obsidian for balance and grounding

  • Embrace plant medicine. There are loads of options here! Lavender and clary sage essential oils help with intuition. Cedar and cedarwood essential oils are calming for the mind.

  • Mantras can also be a wonderful way to focus on grounding. You might like to try: “I connected to my Higher Self” “The answers I seek are within me” “I trust divine timing.”


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