Feel & Flow Flower Elixirs are created by me, Alison, flower essence apothecary, reiki practitioner & naturopath (amongst other things!). I’m excited to share these fusions of reiki & flower essence fabulousness with you!

A career crossroads found me re-evaluating my passions, values and what lights me. And I landed with the realisation: if there was ever a time where we all need some flower power in our lives, this is it!

Feel & Flow Flower Elixirs are for us, the everyday soul seekers, who embrace (or want to embrace!) our energetic experience and raise our vibration on the daily! They are a catalyst for creating space for spirituality, mindfulness, transformation and energetic flow in this often-times crazy modern world. To put it simply, they are vibrational medicines that will help you feel the feels, move through stuck emotions, befriend your intuition and - find your flow!

The last few years have shown us that emotional balance and holistic health are to be nourished and honoured. And the more ways we can support this, the better. This can look vastly different for all of us, your healthy feel-good go-tos may be very different to mine, it’s so personal.

For me it’s an ever-changing combination of time with family & friends, gratitude, coffee (and more coffee!), cooking delicious healthy food, (loud and rowdy!) rock gigs with my husband, yoga, meditation & breathwork, sunshine & time outdoors with my energetic boys…along with reiki & flower essences.

Many times over I’ve experienced the emotional and energetic shift flower essences can promote. And a more recent passion, Reiki, has opened my eyes, heart, senses…reacquainting and attuning me to the love and energy that surrounds us and is within us.

We are extraordinary energetic beings. And while our aura, prana, life force, spiritual selves (whatever you like to call it!) are extraordinary, our experience and relationship with them shouldn’t be limited to occasional or exceptional instances. For example, that time we had an absolutely mind blowing meditation, that serendipitous moment everything aligned as we’d envisaged, the Universal connection we felt watching a sunrise on holiday…

This universal energy, while mind-bendingly extraordinary is also as ordinary as it comes! It’s within us and surrounds us every single day. It is who we are and how we connect with Mother Earth and all living things.

My hope is that Feel & Flow Flower Elixirs will become part of your self care rituals, just one of the many itty bitty ways you connect more deeply with yourself everyday.

The elixirs in the range are made to mix & match and use intuitively, whether that be occasionally or consistently, short or long term. Feel confident listening to your inner-knowing. You can’t do it wrong! They are a beautiful, mindful ritual to encourage energetic shifts, connection and nourishment.

And, in case you were wondering…Ground Me, Soul Seeker & Empath Elixir are long time loves of mine - and I always keep Freakin’ Out within arms reach!

That’s enough about me, how about you?! Please get in touch, I’d love to help you create a ritual of Feel & Flow Flower Elixirs to find your flow.

Flower power & gratitude,

Alison xx