Rituals to balance the heart chakra (anahata)

Heart Chakra

It’s time to meet your heart chakra…

The heart chakra, also known as anahata, is located over the heart & upper chest. The symbol for this chakra is two overlapping triangles, the downward triangle representing feminine energy and the upward masculine energy. This chakra is the point of perfect balance in the chakra system. The joining of the triangles represents a balance of energy - masculine and feminine and also the low vibrational energy from the lower chakras, and high vibration energy from the higher chakras.

What’s it’s purpose?

When in balance it’s a self love super-charger! The heart chakra is the key to fully and unconditionally loving and accepting ourselves and others. When energetically balanced we can access a deep inner knowing that opposing forces or dualities can exist in the same space and that we can love and accept ourselves and others where they are at. We don’t need change, progression or transformation, we can forgive and love even in challenging or imperfect circumstances.

How will I know if my heart chakra is out of balance?

When in balance, we feel just that, an incredibly deep sense of balance in our lives. Our heart fills with unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness for one & all. We have no trouble seeing the good in everyone. We prioritise nourishing self care rituals and accept all aspects of ourselves with love and compassion. Setting boundaries comes with ease.

If our heart chakra is over active, we might feel:

  • Like we say ‘yes’ when we deep down really would rather say ‘no’

  • We people please, overextending ourselves, neglecting our own boundaries

  • We’re sensitive to others energy and feel their emotions easily

If our heart chakra is under active, we might feel:

  • Like we have a seriously chronic case of comparison-itis, or may feel like we don’t live up to ideals on how we should look, should act

  • We have negative self take looping on repeat. Shoosh already!!

  • We feel like we don’t deserve love

  • We hold on to things and have a really difficult time letting go and forgiving. Sometimes this might look like holding big beefy grudges, or it can be petty and picky behaviour more regularly.

Imbalances in the heart chakra are also found with sadness & grief.

Hurry up and get to the good stuff! What can I do to balance my heart chakra?

The answer: So many wonderful rituals will open the rosy realms of the heart chakra!

  • Try our Feel & Flow Flower Elixir Whole Lotta Love. This fluid fusion has been created to balance heart chakra energy.

  • Breeeathe, ahhhhhhh! The element of air is linked to the heart chakra. If we’re keeping it simple, just having ‘awareness’ of breath can have a huge impact. Are we breathing up in our chest, quickly, shallowly? Right, then it’s time to draw that breath deep, deep down, imagining it flow through the lower chakras to the root chakra. Then slowly release. Check-in with your breath throughout the day and direct it more deeply each time.

  • Yoga. Is Yoga not the answer to everything?! The focus on breath, or pranayama, during yoga practice is incredibly nourishing to the heart chakra. When combined with heart-opening poses such as cow, fish, camel, locust or cobra (this is starting to sound like a really weird hobby farm!) you can experience an incredible shift in anahata energy. Check out these poses here.

  • Seek balance. Hmm…that may sound a little vague. What I’m getting at here is identifying what may be impacting your heart chakra and taking small steps to initiate change. This might be working on setting boundaries to protect your energy or learning techniques to work on releasing resentment.

  • Reiki is in my top two for balancing the chakras. (You guessed it, flower essences is the other!) Oh, just the thought of what reiki can bring to imbalance in the heart chakra has me feeling warm and fuzzy. Feel & Flow Flower Elixirs are infused with reiki, however, a reiki treatment (either in person or distance) can bring incredible feelings of soothing calm and radiant love.

  • Loving Kindness Meditation to share love with others. You’ll find some wonderful guided meditations here.

  • Hugs, hugs and more hugs! Hug a loved one, hug your pets, hug a tree, hug yourself! Hugging releases oxytocin which is a chemical that calms down the entire body, hugging is such a good way to express love and balance the heart chakra.

  • Work with crystals. Wear them, carry them, meditate with them. Basically make friends with crystals! Your best mates for love, healing and emotional protection are:

    • Rose Quartz for love

    • Rhodonite for emotional balance

    • Malachite for protection

    • Prehite for healing

  • Embrace essential oils. Try rose, bergamot or ylang ylang. These are beautiful added to a plant based oil like jojoba or coconut and massaged in after a bath as a heart-healing body oil.

  • Mantras can also be a wonderful way to focus on grounding. You might like to try: “I deserve love.” “I love and accept myself as I am.” “I am centered, I am at peace.”


Rituals to balance the solar plexus chakra (manipura)


Rituals to balance the throat chakra (vishuddha)