Understanding Chakras

Chakra Mandala

Did you know you have more than one body?!

If this is a new concept to you then strap in, we’re getting real weird, real quick here! Have you heard of the subtle or energetic body? Perhaps you’re well acquainted (how wonderful for you!) but if you aren’t, read on…while you may not have heard the terms subtle or energetic body it’s very likely you’ve felt it’s extraordinary force many times before.

The seven main chakras are at the centre of this energetic system. They are the spark within you, the energy of emotion, thought and inner knowing. When they are out of balance the entire energetic body (and physical & emotion bodies) is influenced. How this presents depends on whether the energy of each chakra is under or overactive.

Quick history lesson

The chakras were first seen written in Vedic texts spanning between 1500 to 500 BCE, some of the oldest written ancient Indian texts.

Knowledge of chakras and subtle energy has traveled over centuries, across continents and through many languages and our understanding has continued to evolve. The most common understanding many of us now have and learn draws on both Hindu and modern perspectives.

Let me introduce you to your chakras!

All seven chakras have a different meaning and purpose. When you understand your subtle body and chakras, you’ll gain incredible insight into your entire being. Getting to know the essence of each chakra will give you the clues you need to select your perfect potion. That is, the Feel & Flow Chakra Balance elixir/s that align with exactly what you need to help find emotional and energetic flow!

Think of the below as a quick speed-dating intro to each chakra. You’ll find all the second date kind of detail in specific articles, here in the journal. So many little gems, be sure to check them out if you’re keen to learn more!

For now, the basic stats…

The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

  • Located at the base of the spine, it’s our direct link to Mother Earth.

  • When in balance we feel grounded, a deep sense of safety and security.

  • Imbalances may have us craving time in nature, feeling flighty, angry or wanting ‘more, more, more!’ of everything.

  • The colour is red. Mantras include: ‘I am centred. I am strong.’ ‘The Earth supports me.’

The Sacral Chakra (Svahisthana)

  • Located in the lower abdomen just below the belly button, it is energetically connected to emotions, creativity and pleasure.

  • When in balance we embrace movement, physical expression, sensuality and flow.

  • Imbalances may see us controlled by our emotions, or potentially the exact opposite - totally detached. We lack creativity and have difficultly expressing and enjoying our desires.

  • The colour is orange. Mantras include: ‘I am in flow with life.’ ‘I express my feelings.’

The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

  • Located above the belly button, below the sternum. It is is a powerhouse of energy and transformation.

  • When in balance we embrace learning and honor intellect. We get a 10/10 for balancing work, rest and play. Our energy feels balanced and unlimited.

  • Imbalances may be seen as extreme - either overworked, burnt out and forceful or the other end of the spectrum where we lack all energy and motivation.

  • The colour is yellow. Mantras include: ‘I am confident and courageous.’ ‘I can transform my life.’

The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

  • Located on the upper chest, over the heart. It is the key to fully loving yourself and those around you, flaws and all.

  • When in balance we embrace self care and deeply love and accept ourselves. We see the good in everyone. We set healthy boundaries and forgive with ease.

  • Imbalances include negative self talk, comparison-itis, feeling the emotions of others too easily and overextending ourselves to people-please.

  • The colour is green. Mantras include: ‘I am love.’ ‘I am at peace.’

The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

  • Located at the throat. It governs our ability to speak clearly and express our authentic self.

  • When in balance we express at our soul level, listen deeply and feel energised when we share our gifts with others.

  • Imbalances include pushing our beliefs on others, being overly talkative to point we are unaware we aren’t listening to others.

  • The colour is blue. Mantras include: ‘ I am in alignment with my true self.’ ‘ I speak honestly.’

The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

  • Located in the centre of the brow bone. It is related to intuition and psychic ability, enabling us to understand the world rather than wondering and questioning.

  • When in balance we trust our abilities and path, have strong intuition and a clear perception of the world around us.

  • Imbalances include an over-active monkey mind, trouble sleeping and insomnia, confusion and indecision.

  • The colour is indigo. Mantras include: ‘I trust divine timing.’ ‘The answers are within.’

The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

  • Located at the top, or just above the top of the head. It combines all the energy from the six previous chakras. It’s considered a direct line to cosmic consciousness.

  • When in balance we feel at one with what is, and have a strong sense of connection to the Universe. We feel freedom, regardless of our circumstances.

  • Imbalances include being stuck in fear and worry, unable to see the bigger picture. A lack of connection to the spirit realm and Universe.

  • The colour is white or violet. Mantras include: ‘I one with the Universe.’ ‘We are all connected.’

Well, there you go! Chakra introductions are done and dusted. Do you relate to the energetics of any chakra in particular? Recognise different balances and imbalances?

Feel & Flow Chakra Balance Elixirs have been consciously created to balance energetic flow through the chakras. There is an elixir specific to each chakra. If you need help creating a balancing ritual, ask ask ask!

A single elixir may just what you’re after, or a combination of a few. A beautiful energetic healing ritual is to work through all the chakras, from the root to the crown. Take a moment to listen to what your subtle, energetic body is craving right now.

Assisting with elixir selections to help you feel the flow totally lights us up, it’s what we live for! We’d love to hear from you.


Rituals to balance the root chakra (muladhara)