Flower Essences 101
Elixirs Alison Potts Elixirs Alison Potts

Flower Essences 101

So, to sum it up: you need flower essences in your life. Kidding…but I absolutely do encourage you to give them a try.

Short term many people describe feeling like they are more in flow. Less irritated, stressed and overwhelmed or perhaps notice they have more bandwidth or resilience to work through these emotions. This is similar to what can be experienced with regular meditation, too.

And, if you join the flower essence fan club you may start to notice some super sweet karmic magick! You’ll be doing a double-take as you catch yourself trying new things, birthing new creative ideas, finding confidence and embracing authenticity, moving on from relationships that no longer align with your energetic flow, finding new ones that do!

And just so you’re clear, all this is already within you, you beautiful soul! These energetic essences are simply nudging you in all the right directions.

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